Episode 144 - Laura Hoffman reveals her secrets to a 20min PR at Western Massachusetts 70.3

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Laura Hoffman reveals her secrets to a 20 min PR at Western Massachusetts 70.3


Have you ever felt like your body just isn’t cooperating, no matter how hard you train or how well you think you’re eating? You’re not alone. Many athletes have gone through this, and today’s guest, Laura Hoffman, is no exception. She previously struggled with iron absorption issues which severely impacted her training but overcame this with tailored nutrition. Recently, Laura achieved a 20-minute personal record (PR) at the Western Massachusetts 70.3 Ironman, and I got the inside scoop on how she did it!

To kick things off, Laura shares that her realistic goal for this race was five hours and 45 minutes, but her “super top secret” goal was a challenging five hours and 30 minutes. Despite facing less-than-ideal conditions, Laura did the unthinkable and crossed the finish line at exactly 5:30. She described the euphoric moment when she saw the time on the board and realised she had achieved her ultimate goal.



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Episode Transcription

Episode 144: Laura Hoffman reveals her secrets to a 20min PR at Western Massachusetts 70.3

Welcome to the Triathlon Nutrition Academy podcast. The show designed to serve you up evidence-based sports nutrition advice from the experts. Hi, I'm your host Taryn, Accredited Practicing Dietitian, Advanced Sports Dietitian and founder of Dietitian Approved. Listen as I break down the latest evidence to give you practical, easy-to-digest strategies to train hard, recover faster and perform at your best. You have so much potential, and I want to help you unlock that with the power of nutrition. Let's get into it.

[00:00:00] Taryn: Joining me on the podcast today is age group triathlete Laura Hoffman from Natick, Massachusetts. How did I go? Did I say that right?

[00:00:31] Laura: Yeah, that was great. Thanks for having me today.

[00:00:35] Taryn: You're so welcome. I'm excited to talk to you because you've had a stellar performance at 70.3 Western Massachusetts. I'd love to dive into that with you today. Did you go into that race with specific goals?

[00:00:53] Laura: Yes. For every 70.3, I have a goal, and then there's that super top-secret goal that you keep in your heart. My realistic goal for this race was five hours, 45 minutes. My top-secret goal, if everything went perfectly, was five hours and 30 minutes. There's an epic picture of me crossing the finish line. In my head, I was running like Usain Bolt. I felt like I was flying. But when I saw the video, it looked like I was slow jogging into the chute. It was amazing. But when I looked up and saw 5:30 on the board as I ran through, the smile on my face was huge. My hands were in the air because I never dreamed I could do that. And given that it poured rain for over half the race on a hilly, super sharp-turning course, I didn't think it was even possible. Halfway through, I gave up on the 5:30 time because I thought there was no way I could go as fast as I needed to on the bike. Still, today, when I look at the times, I'm flabbergasted at what I was able to do on that day.

[00:02:13] Taryn: So good! So, you did 5:30:22. I love that you had this top-secret goal that you didn't tell anyone about. Were you doing calculations through the race to see if you'd make it?

[00:02:26] Laura: Oh, absolutely. I think about it every second of the way. I haven’t entered a single race in the past four years without riding the course at least once before race day. Then I analyze my ride, compare it to people who finished in the top five the previous year, and visualize how the ride and run will go. Thirty miles into the ride, when it started downpouring, I chose safety over speed. By about mile 40, I didn’t even think 5:30 was possible anymore, but I believed 5:45 was achievable. Interestingly, unlike most Ironman races where there are clocks on the bike course, this course had none. The only clocks were at the start and finish lines. When I was six miles into the run, I flipped my watch to the current time and realized that not only was 5:40 possible, but I also had a real shot at 5:30. It was a cloudy, overcast, rainy day, which was perfect for running. Then, in my head, I started calculating how fast I needed to go and where I needed to be. There was one hill with a 7% grade that you had to do at mile 3 and then at mile 7. At mile 7, I just walked up it and decided it would be what it would be. As I was coming back in, the last two miles out of the loop were downhill all the way back into the finish chute. I looked and just started running faster and faster. I told myself, 'I will do what I have to do. I will leave it all out there, and I'm either going to hit 5:30 or I'm not, but I'm going to give it everything I've got.' It was the most amazing feeling. Then, about five minutes later, I thought, 'Oh God, I might be able to qualify for worlds,' but I didn't know. For the next two hours, it was just pure anxiety and jitters wondering if I was going to make it. Worlds was a long-term goal I didn’t think was doable yet, but New Zealand, which hosts a 70.3, has been on my bucket list since I started doing triathlon. So, to be able to achieve my best time ever, to go to New Zealand, and to have it be for worlds... I am just on cloud nine. For me, all of that means I have to say thank you to you, Taryn, and everyone at Tridot because finding the right training plan was crucial for me. Even after that, most people don’t know this about me, but the last two years I’ve been struggling a lot with iron absorption issues and anemia. I was constantly tired. So even though I was training every day, I couldn’t figure out how to have the energy to keep going. I actually thought I wasn’t going to do triathlon anymore. Then I heard about you, heard about someone else you helped through an energy deficit, so I leaned in and said, 'If there’s someplace I’m going to invest and figure this out, it’s going to be with you.' And you have—whoo, I’m getting emotional—but like, you’ve changed the game for me.

[00:06:24] Taryn: Aww, love, big love. Thank you.

[00:06:26] Laura: I got a 20-minute PR and I felt strong, good. It’s the first time I’ve done a race where I haven’t had gut upset. Your course... it’s for real. And half of it is what we learn, but the other half is you and you being able to help each of us figure out what we need for ourselves.

[00:06:50] Laura: And I think the thing for me that I was most curious about, but also most skeptical about, is how do you take a course with multiple people and not have it be cookie-cutter or so generic that maybe the things that aren’t working for me or the things I’m struggling with we’re not going to be able to work through but we did and I did it with you. I did it with the group. I learned so much from like our amazing cohort from your classes and from all of the stuff you’ve had me practice and implement and practice again and change, um, my coffee habit, I now wait a full hour after I eat and I’m okay versus it having to be like that first thing in the morning, I’m going to lose my mind if I don’t have it. So yeah, you’ve been a game-changer for me and thank you.

[00:07:43] Taryn: Oh, thank you. You're going to make me cry. I don't like to cry on my own podcast. So can we dive into some of that stuff? Because I remember when you first came through the program, you started in July 2023, so you've just finished a couple of months ago and yeah, you were struggling like you had no energy, your iron levels were through the floor, and yeah, you had no idea how to fix it. So what are some of the things that you were struggling with before you started and then what sort of things did you work through over the last 12 months to get to where you are today?

[00:08:15] Laura: Yeah, that's a great question. So before I started, I honestly, and I'm sure a lot of people will totally resonate with this. I was like, I'm a healthy eater. I eat some sugar, I eat some snacks, but I'm a very healthy eater. I'm a very active person. I travel everywhere. I'm always on the go. I'm out hiking. I'm running my dog. I'm training for a triathlon. Like, I mean, most people, and it's funny because until I took your class, most people would say, well, yeah, Laura, with everything you do, of course, you need two naps a day. Of course, you're always tired. Of course, you're running on zero. Like you never stop. And now here I am almost a year later and I was like, Oh my gosh, that's not how this has to be. And I can immediately tell. When the steps I'm taking, the things I'm doing get out of sync because my energy starts to like decline or I need more coffee or I want to nap.

[00:09:08] Taryn: I hate that as triathletes we kind of wear that on our shoulder a bit. It's just like, well, this is, you're meant to feel tired. You're meant to feel fatigued. You're meant to be like needing a sleep in the afternoon and just like, no, you don't. You shouldn't feel like that every day. And it's not until you feel more energized, I always call it supercharged because that's honestly how you feel when you get your nutrition right.

[00:09:28] You should be able to feel supercharged on a daily basis and do all the things that you want to do and not be like, okay. Well, I'm a triathlete. So this is just how it's meant to be. There's another way I promise.

[00:09:39] Laura: Yeah, there is, there is, and it's your course. So let me back all the way up to where I was before I started the class and then all the things that I've learned and changed in the past year. Because there's a lot of information out there. And I think the thing that most people never realize is triathlon is so different that you can't just listen to the stuff out there about doing intermittent fasting or doing stuff the way bodybuilders do stuff or doing keto or any of that because it doesn't work with our bodies and what we need. But where I was when I found you was a year into having to have iron infusions every three months. Taking two to three naps a day during work days, like having to exit meetings, take a 20-minute power nap, get back on, get through as much of my day as I could, and then sleeping like a rock all night, getting up. If I did a workout, I'd need a nap immediately after now, one of the biggest things I learned is you're supposed to fuel within so much time of finishing a workout and I was not doing that.

[00:10:44] Taryn: You were sleeping.

[00:10:45] Laura: Yeah, I would, I would come home, I would shower and I would sleep and then I would worry about eating or going about my day or whatever, whatever else it was.

[00:10:52] And I lost so much time, so much time sleeping that it is amazing how much more I fit in a day now. Let's be clear, I fit more stuff in a day because I definitely don't stop moving. But when I found you, it took, two months where I came through after one of our first classes. I was a little nervous about how much time all the homework, the prep, the learning, the practicing would take. I mean, it was a little, a little much because you're trying to fit something new in. But then as we got rolling, it's like, oh yeah, you just like fit this one thing into your schedule and you keep on going. It only took like the first two classes before with each of us that you were able to say, Okay, this is your situation right now. Go try this. Go do this. Take this one little step. And it was bite-sized pieces of information, bite-sized pieces of adaptation, of trying that within six weeks I was drinking, I think I told you one of my first classes, I was drinking over two pots of coffee a day.

[00:11:53] I'm now down to one cup of coffee. Like, half caffeinated coffee, and that gets me through the whole day, and I know you feel like decaf goes in the garbage, but like, it is mind-blowing for me how much I've been able to reduce the amount of caffeine I take. and increase the amount of energy I have by changing just little things about my diet, because I am fairly healthy. I do still eat a lot of the same things. I don't crave sugar as much anymore because I'm not dead tired. So that probably helped a lot of stuff too, So yeah, so that's where I started about six weeks in. I started to have more energy. Since starting your class, I actually thought about this today because I go back to my my doctor on Monday. I will not have had an iron infusion in a year. So since starting your class, I have, yeah, I have not needed a single iron infusion. And to me that, that like speaks worlds of how much it really is that if you do your nutrition right, that you can fix the things going wrong in your body. And so you don't need medicine, like some medicine, some prescriptions, like having to do an infusion. It's all a band aid to an underlying problem. And this, for me, was eye-opening about how much nutrition and doing it right in the right way for you and your body. It's just night and day. It's night and day about what it can do.

[00:13:19] Taryn: Yeah, I hope everyone can feel that at some point in their life because we do band-aid stuff with, you know, iron infusions and I'm very much about like setting you up long term. Like, yes, it's a nine-month program and it is work to get there. Like you said, like it's a little bit of time. It's an hour or two each week, but I want the effects to last forever. Like you spend the time, and you do the work once, and then I want you to be like healthy and performing to the best of your ability forevermore. it's a one-time thing. Like actually spend the time to work on yourself, to set yourself up forever.

[00:13:53] Laura: Yeah. And then not only did that change for me this is the best I've felt through a race ever. [00:14:00] I shared with you and our cohort that when I did my Ironman, I got super bad gut upset. I got super bad acid reflux in the middle of the race. It's still a little bit of that, but I want to be clear. Everyone has their own things and you're right. And like, there are things you need to do. In transition to, I literally chewed three tums and started out on my run. But I've realized as much as I've been able to elongate before I start getting the pain in my chest where all the like buildup is it's still a little bit there, but heck, I learned through things to your constant reminder to us of practice, practice, practice, right? Try new things. When you're practicing, not in a race that bananas weren't working for me. Right. So many people are like, Oh, you want to eat on the bike. And as you even say, like your bike is like your mobile food cart, because that's your one place where like, you can eat solids. And for me, it

[00:14:56] Taryn: No, you can't eat salads.

[00:15:00] Laura: No solids, not salads, like

[00:15:05] Taryn: Solids. Ah,

[00:15:05] Laura: Yes, salad. Not

[00:15:08] Taryn: It's the accent. Gotcha.

[00:15:10] Laura: I would love if I were eating a salad. Don't eat a salad at all on a race. Just don't do it.

[00:15:17] Taryn: We'll subtitle the

[00:15:18] American accent. No salads on the bike, but solids. You can have solids.

[00:15:24] Laura: But it's your, like, it is your mobile buffet. But for me, I couldn't drink. So I tried all different kinds of, um, liquid nutrition. From um, Morton to Tailwind to I can't even remember the other one.

[00:15:36] There was another one, but anytime I would drink something, it got really bad. And so I said, okay, I will only drink water. I have to figure out if I eat or do something else. But like, so then I was like, oh, we'll try real food. Right. Bananas, Clif bars. Nope. Couldn't go more than two hours. I'm like, okay, well that's out.

[00:15:52] What do I do? And. It was really, really interesting to see that the thing that [00:16:00] worked for me was actually opposite of what I thought it was. So, this race season, I discovered precision fuel and hydration. And I thought on the bike, I would eat the chews and on the run, I would have more of their, they have like a, like liquidy gooey formula.

[00:16:16] Yeah, the gel flow. And it turns out I do the opposite. So the gel flow works best for me on the bike. It actually flew off my bike at mile 54 and I was like, well, there goes my nutrition, but I'll pick up my other nutrition in T2. And then I did the chews on my run. And. They're very like the taste of just sugar and nothing else to it now. I used to do cliff blocks I can't even do those that that taste is now so strong And I've learned that my body doesn't love real food when I'm running it needs that perfect two to one ratio of to fructose and It's been great.

[00:16:58] I had no gut upset. I had a little bit of, tightness in my chest the last 30 minutes, but it is by far the best my body has ever felt during a race. And so that's also a testament to Everybody's different, and different things work for different people, and so you really gotta, like, try things out if you want to know.

[00:17:18] Taryn: And it does take time, like that's only going to get better over time too, I would think. You know, this is the first race where you've had your nutrition all dialed in at the end of our program. And then from here on in, you know how to tweak it and adjust it and evolve it over time. And I would suggest that those symptoms go away altogether with some, you know, gut training and really dialing in your products.

[00:17:38] Laura: Yeah, oh, and gut training. That is another thing that I learned from you that, like, I've had so many people, right, once again, like, what you hear from other people, or on the internet, or all the things that you learn or consume, or we hear, we believe. Everybody used to tell me, well, no, like, if you get gut upset, it's because you're running too fast, or you're or you shouldn't be doing that [00:18:00] distance.

[00:18:00] Your body wasn't built for that, but it is amazing how like you constantly reminded us, you can teach your gut to do almost anything if you give it enough time. And that a hundred percent is true too. Like I would have never thought that I could get through a race without an upset stomach and it was like, it was great.

[00:18:20] And so now I'm like, Oh, it's only going to get better. No more upset stomachs for

[00:18:22] Taryn: Yeah, it is going to get better. Every race from here on in you'll find something that we can, like, adjust and tweak and do more gut training in training heading in and it's all just going to become easier over time. So what are you going to do for Worlds in New Zealand? Are you going to stick with the same race nutrition plan or is there anything you're going to change?

[00:18:39] Laura: Oh, I'll constantly tweak it. I would say my biggest opportunities are probably with the carb loading going into the race. Also yet another thing that we learn, right, is everyone thinks carb loading is eating this massive bowl of pasta the day before the race and like, then you're good to go.

[00:18:57] And then your stomach's like, Distended and you're like, it's not wonderful. Figuring out how to carb load and then practicing that throughout my season, like the prep for this season. That's been interesting, but even the carb loading for this going into the race, I was craving a hamburger and I'm like, okay, I'm going to finish my race.

[00:19:17] I have to fly across the country for work. And our, we had to order a lunch and I was like, I want a hamburger. I tell you after carb loading for this race and like eating no veggies for the last, the two days before, only because , like my stomach doesn't love me, I got to work and I was like, can I change my order?

[00:19:36] I just want a really big salad. I just want a salad. And everybody laughed at me, but the carb loading that I did this time worked perfect for me. Maybe even a little too good. I didn't like some of the things that your body should do. Like didn't love me until after the race.

[00:19:53] And so I was like, okay, maybe a few too many carbs for me. And, but I feel [00:20:00] like the difference too, will be this race was an hour from home, and so I was able to do. Everything from prep all my meals at home to eat specifically what I wanted to the day before have my morning breakfast, take it with me.

[00:20:15] Right. I put everything in the car and I took it with me in New Zealand. I'm going to be out there at least a week, if not more before my race. And so I want to play with. Okay, how would I adjust things with what I have when I'm there and, um, with the type of place I'm staying at when I'm there. And then also keep playing with it to see if there are other combinations or things I can do with food that maybe just tweak it, give me a little more energy and a little more oomph.

[00:20:43] Um, the other big thing I want to keep playing with is, My fueling for my ride and my run. I think I still have a ton of room to optimize there and I'm just getting started. And so it will also be a hot race.

[00:20:56] And so I want to try to figure that out. Cause it'll be cold here in the United States, but it'll be hot over there. So right now while we're in peak heat here in the U. S. I'm like playing with all my things so that I can get as much learning as I can. So that I'm ready for that.

[00:21:11] Taryn: Yeah, that's a great idea. You could also just come to Australia a month early. Hang out with me, do some he adaptation in Australia before you go to New Zealand.

[00:21:20] Laura: I mean, I could the biggest fear. I was like, Oh, I'm in done, but I just don't know how I would work.

[00:21:27] Taryn: You can work from here. We have internet down under in Australia. As long as you bring Scout, your dog, with you.

[00:21:32] Laura: Oh, he would be so happy. He would be so happy.

[00:21:38] Taryn: He's the cutest. So, I didn't know that you haven't had an iron infusion for a year, which is amazing. And to go from having them every three months to then having a year of no iron infusion. Have you checked your iron levels recently or are you doing that on Monday with your doctor?

[00:21:52] Laura: That that's Friday morning. And then I meet with my doctor to go over all the numbers on Monday. So I'll let you know. Um, [00:22:00] but I definitely have had great energy and so I feel like everything will still be. In a good place, but yeah, it's, I think that's why I get so emotional when I talk about your class too, because it was such a hard time for me.

[00:22:13] And it is very hard for me to accept that. Like, I can't just do everything. Cause that's how I approach life. I'm just like, no, I should be fine. I should be able to do anything. Um,

[00:22:26] Taryn: resonate with that deeply. I always bite off more than I can chew and then just chew really bloody hard.

[00:22:33] Laura: Yeah. And then to have medical people tell you, nope, this just happens and you're going to deal with it for the rest of your life. It

[00:22:41] Taryn: Yeah, I hate that.

[00:22:43] Laura: And so to, to think back, like as I was thinking about all my nutrition for the last year and things that have changed for me it's you and your course and yeah, When you fuel yourself, right, anything is possible. Like the energy, the things you can do, the things you can achieve. It is, it's out of this world.

[00:23:03] Taryn: Yeah, yes. So good. Well, 20 minute PB is, is pretty good going across the 17. 3 distance. I look forward to seeing how you go in New Zealand and you know, is a spare room if you ever want to come early and do some heat adaptation here. You're welcome. As long as you bring Scout.

[00:23:19] Laura: Yeah. He'll, he'll come.

[00:23:21] Taryn: Yes. last question I want to ask you then is like, you mentioned it before, like your hesitation around working on your nutrition. hurdles that you overcome to go, all right, I'm, I'm actually going to do this now. Like, what were you thinking in that time? Like when you're like, all right, do I commit the time, you know, the money to do this?

[00:23:40] What are the things that were your hesitations in the back of your mind to then go and commit to working on nutrition for, you know, nine, 12 months?

[00:23:48] Laura: So the initial hesitation was I've been doing races, athletics all that kind of stuff for years. And I've had people. I've had coaches recommend everything from [00:24:00] keto diets to high protein to carb loading, all the things, right? nothing ever really changed anything for me, except for when I ate healthy and I ate less, less junk food.

[00:24:10] So when I turned 30, so I'm now in my forties, when I turned 30, I started racing things to my best friend who had just had her second child. And she's like, let's run. I was like, that's dumb. Like, that's so dumb. Like who does that? And then we went from there to a year later, my little brother, who's only two years younger than me said, well, if you're now running, why wouldn't you do a triathlon?

[00:24:32] You've been swimming your whole life. Everyone knows how to ride a bike. And you clearly can run. So like, just go do it. And so him and I did a sprint together and then I was like, Oh, I could do a half Ironman. Like I said, I'm always all in, right? Like do a sprint. And then my next step was half Ironman.

[00:24:49] And it just, so doing all those things, doing races for 10 years and never really see anything have a difference and always have got upset and feel like this is just how things are supposed to be. I think the final straw for me was. This past year when I had a doctor, when I had my doctor, my hematologist, and I love my hematologist, he's smart. He's great. I trust what he says until he told me this is just how it's It's going to be for me and I refuse to accept that I refuse to believe that age means you have to start taking medications or age means you now have this chronic problem that can't be fixed.

[00:25:31] And so at around that same time, I want to say it was a week later, I just happened to be listening to a TriDot podcast that you were on. And you mentioned somebody that had gone through something similar to me, low energy, went through your nutrition class. And then I went and I found that podcast of yours and listened.

[00:25:52] that for me is what sold it. I was like, Oh my God, if somebody else has had low energy and says like, I can now go ride 50 [00:26:00] miles and I come home and then I go mow the lawn or build a house or do whatever, sign me up because. There's got to be something other than being hooked up to an IV every three months just so that I can have energy to sustain me for three more months until I go through it again.

[00:26:18] And at this time, like a year ago, I also didn't want to have to give up on triathlon. And I'd been out of racing for a year. I'd barely been training. And I hated it. I hated that I wasn't doing the things that I love. And so I leaned in and I would say for anybody doing triathlon this is a very different sport than everything else out there than CrossFit, then power building, then marathon running, half marathons then endurance biking.

[00:26:49] It is an endurance sport, but it is very different. And your class teaches us the skills we need. To figure out how to be the healthiest, fastest, best version of ourself we can be. Because I don't know a single person that has gone through that hasn't seen gains in speed. Because we also now have gains in energy and the way we're eating.

[00:27:17] Taryn: I'm going to dub you the Energizer Bunny from here on in, I think. Because you literally don't sit still.

[00:27:23] Laura: I don’t.

[00:27:23] Taryn: Like, you still do CrossFit type training as well as triathlon, and you go hiking all weekend. Like, you do not sit still. And I cannot believe that you survived life before, like with three naps a day, two pots of coffee and heaps of sugar just to survive.

[00:27:38] Like that is just crazy. So, thank you for like sharing your journey with, with us. Deep love. I love that, you know, we've revolutionized your entire life just with a little nutrition program, right?

[00:27:50] Laura: You have. And I wouldn’t call it a little nutrition program. it’s like the secret. It is the secret sauce. So anybody that loves this is a U. S. thing, [00:28:00] but In N Out burgers, or I swear every burger today has some secret sauce on it. your class is like the secret sauce on the burger. It takes it to the next level and it makes it so great. So yes. Yeah. Everybody should take your class. Everybody.

[00:28:15] Taryn: Oh, thank you. I didn’t pay her to say that.

[00:28:18] Laura: Nope, you didn’t. if I do something and I believe in it, I tell everybody. And it’s interesting because even at the race prior to the race, so I told like five people about the Nutrition Academy and about TriDot.

[00:28:31] And it was so funny. Mike was with me and he was just like, you’re telling everybody about all of this stuff. He was like, You need to be paid by all these companies. And I was like, no, like if I believe in something, I will tell everybody about it.

[00:28:44] Cause if it could change something for me, it could change something for you. But if I don’t speak about it, it means I didn’t believe in it. Cause I’m, I’m willing to try almost anything. I only stick with the things that work for me. That’s why I still do CrossFit when everybody tells me not to, cause I love my people.

[00:28:59] And it’s another way for me to, like, I don’t do CrossFit the way CrossFitters do CrossFit. I do CrossFit and I strength train and then I get to work out with like some of my best friends. But yeah, then I come home and I run my dog for two and a half miles or hike with him. And then I get on a bike or go swim or go for a run. And then somewhere in between I work and I sleep. I don’t know. And I still manage to like meal prep and eat

[00:29:23] Taryn: Yeah. See, if you can do it, anyone can do it.

[00:29:26] Laura: That’s right.

[00:29:27] Taryn: I can’t believe you survived your life like that with no energy before, but anyway, I’m glad that you’re fixed and it is only the beginning of your journey, right? Like we’re still, you can still change so many things and tweak and evolve things so that you are feeling completely alive and energized through all of it with no negative symptoms in a little bit of time.

[00:29:47] Laura: yeah.

[00:29:47] Taryn: Well, thank you so much for sharing. that with me. I was really excited to talk to you about your race at, at Western Massachusetts, because I haven’t talked to you yet. And I was like, yeah, go Laura. [00:30:00] And I look forward to seeing how you go in New Zealand later in the year.

[00:30:04] Laura: Maybe I can go sub 530. We’ll see.

[00:30:06] Taryn: Yeah. Don’t tell anyone your super secret, like go,

[00:30:09] right.

[00:30:11] Laura: You can’t put it out into the universe, because what if then it doesn’t happen?

[00:30:16] Taryn: That’s okay. We reassess and we try again. Oh, Legends. It’s

[00:30:19] Laura: Very true.

[00:30:20] Taryn: to you again. And yeah, thanks for joining me in the podcast. Woohoo!



Thanks for joining me for this episode of the Triathlon Nutrition Academy podcast. I would love to hear from you. If you have any questions or want to share with me what you've learned, email me at [email protected]. You can also spread the word by leaving me a review and taking a screenshot of you listening to the show. Don't forget to tag me on social media, @dietitian.approved, so I can give you a shout out, too. If you want to learn more about what we do, head to dietitianapproved.com. And if you want to learn more about the Triathlon Nutrition Academy program, head to dietitianapproved.com/academy. Thanks for joining me and I look forward to helping you smashed in the fourth leg - nutrition!

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