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Here at Dietitian Approved we're firm believers that healthy eating shouldn't be HARD or BORING!

That's why we created a few key things to help you eat well and perform at your best.

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Free Recipes

A selection of some of our favourite recipes in the database, free!

There's a little something for everyone, from Mums & Dads looking for healthy family meals to the budding athlete looking for tasty options to support their training. 

Download our FREE Recipes NOW!
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Recipe Database

Overflowing with 200 easy, healthy recipes developed by an Advanced Sports Dietitian.

For you, that means we guarantee every recipe ticks the right boxes for both health and performance. 

With updates every quarter, it's like a cookbook that never ends!

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Weekly Menu Planning

Figuring out what to eat and feed the family each week can be stressful, boring and time-intensive. Some people hate having to do this job!

So we've taken the stress and effort out of planning your meals and done it for you!⁠ Download a weekly plan, complete with recipes and shopping list to help give you back hours every week.

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Virtual Supermarket Tour

Every time you walk into a supermarket, you're faced with the daunting task of trying to pick the healthiest, most nutrient-packed foods at the best price to be healthy and fuel your training.

If the supermarket is not your happy place, take me with you in your pocket next time with our virtual supermarket tour!

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Summer Salads Recipe Collection

Stay cool this Summer with 24 of our favourite salad recipes and a variety of flavour packed homemade dressings without the hidden nasties.

$29.95 AUD


Fuel Your Adventure

Are you sick of sucking back gels and sports drinks all the time?! 

Are you looking for more real food options to take on long rides, trail runs and hikes?

Introducing the Fuel Your Adventure book!!

A collection of Dietitian Approved recipes to make your own sports nutrition!

Simple, easy, nutritious and delicious! Includes energy bars, energy balls, savoury options and even homemade sports drink!

Learn More HERE 🚲
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Here's a taste of what's inside our free recipes...

Get our FREE Recipes NOW