Triathlon Nutrition Academy Podcast

If you are a triathlete who wants to get fitter, faster, stronger and healthier, consider this podcast your secret weapon in your ear.

Join Advanced Sports Dietitian, Taryn, as she breaks down the latest science to give you practical, easy-to-digest nutrition strategies for triathlon to help transform you into a SUPERCHARGED TRIATHLETE!


This podcast is your weekly dose of triathlon nutrition gold.

Dropping first thing Friday morning so you can tune in on your next long run or bike session.

With 20-40 minute episodes, Taryn takes a no-BS approach to cut through all the noise when it comes to triathlon nutrition.

Delivering bite-sized nuggets to your ears wherever you are in the world.

Triathlon Nutrition Podcast

Latest Podcast Episodes...

Triathlon Nutrition Academy

Ironman’s New Bike Hydration Rules: What You Need to Know

Triathlon Nutrition Academy

Microplastics & Performance: What Every Triathlete Should Know

Triathlon Nutrition Academy

How Masters Triathletes Can Stay Fast After 50 with Joe Friel

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Dive into all of our past episodes..

Triathlon Nutrition Academy

Key Nutrients for Masters Triathletes: Fuelling for Performance & Longevity

Triathlon Nutrition Academy

Nerd Clusters vs Maurten Gels – What’s Better for Fuelling Triathlon?

Triathlon Nutrition Academy

Eat Plants, Train Hard: A Vegan Triathlete’s Nutrition Guide

Triathlon Nutrition Academy

How to Stay Motivated in Triathlon - Insights from Mark Allen: Part 2

Triathlon Nutrition Academy

How to Stay Motivated in Triathlon - Insights from Mark Allen: Part 2

Triathlon Nutrition Academy

Why Your Training Plan Isn’t Enough: The Missing Piece to Smashing Your PB

Triathlon Nutrition Academy

Real Triathletes, Real Results, FAST: The TNA Advantage

Triathlon Nutrition Academy

Steve's insider secrets to a 64 minute PB at Sunshine Coast 70.3

Triathlon Nutrition Academy

New Year, New PR: Nutrition Goals for Triathletes

Triathlon Nutrition Academy

Why You’re a Tired Triathlete All the Time and How to Find More Energy

Triathlon Nutrition Academy

Breaking Barriers: How Three Triathletes Conquered Their Nutrition Challenges

What our legendary listeners think...

Triathlon Nutrition Academy Podcast

So helpful

My weakness has always been the food I eat to support my training. As a mum of a 3 and a 1 year old I'm constantly getting sick and it interrupts my training but this podcast has given me several tips to help prevent sickness and better look after myself. Really enjoy listening to it, particularly while training - extra motivation!

Jessica, Australia

Triathlon Nutrition Academy Podcast

Great quick, quality advice

Really easy to listen to. 

Nice bite-sized pieces of quality info.


BrLoEd, Australia

Triathlon Nutrition Academy Podcast

So knowledgeable!

Taryn shares a wealth of nutritional tips and advice re fueling for triathlon in a positive & motivating manner. She is passionate about triathlon and so knowledgeable about the value of nailing the 4th leg - nutrition!

carriebag7, Australia

Triathlon Nutrition Academy

The 12 days of Triathlon Nutrition?

Triathlon Nutrition Academy

How many calories should you be eating as a triathlete?

Triathlon Nutrition Academy

Fat adaptation and metabolic flexibility: Should you train your body to burn more fat?

Triathlon Nutrition Academy

The carbohydrate advantage: Can more carbs help you go the distance?

Triathlon Nutrition Academy

Triathlete Christmas Gift Guide

Triathlon Nutrition Academy

Maurten Gel 100 vs Gel 160 

Triathlon Nutrition Academy

What is a Sports Dietitian?

Triathlon Nutrition Academy

The Best Triathlon Meal Plan

Triathlon Nutrition Academy

Estimate your sweat rate: New free tool! With Lindsey Hunt

Triathlon Nutrition Academy

Fuelled for Success: Christine prepares for her first Ironman

Triathlon Nutrition Academy

Our Favourite Sports Nutrition Products

Triathlon Nutrition Academy

Hall Of Fame Swimmer Turned Triathlete: Chad Rolfs On Training, Racing And Nutrition

Triathlon Nutrition Academy

The nutrition changes that are helping Troy Bauerle see massive success, fast!

Triathlon Nutrition Academy

Sunshine Coast 70.3 Race Report

Triathlon Nutrition Academy

Meredith's long game preparation for Ironman World Championship Nice

Triathlon Nutrition Academy

How to beat jetlag and maximise performance


Triathlon Nutrition Academy

20 Must Read Books For Every Triathlete


Triathlon Nutrition Academy

What Leanne has learnt from 18 Ironmans!

Triathlon Nutrition Academy

What NOT to Eat Before a Triathlon


Triathlon Nutrition Academy

Top 10 Superfoods for Endurance Athletes

Triathlon Nutrition Academy

5 Key Nutrition Strategies to Manage Your Return to Triathlon Training

Triathlon Nutrition Academy

5 Key Nutrition Strategies to Manage Your Return to Triathlon Training

Triathlon Nutrition Academy

Nine signs your nutrition sucks

Triathlon Nutrition Academy

Laura Hoffman reveals her secrets to a 20min PR at Western Massachusetts 70.3

Listener Question

Have a question for Taryn you would like answered on the podcast?

Submit it here!
Physiological Differences Between Male and Female Triathletes

What a Sports Dietitian Says About Coca-Cola

Physiological Differences Between Male and Female Triathletes

NEW TREND: IV hydration. Should you do it?

Physiological Differences Between Male and Female Triathletes

New research that's blown everything we knew about protein out of the water

Physiological Differences Between Male and Female Triathletes

Ironman Changes to Mortal Hydration on the North American Race Course

Physiological Differences Between Male and Female Triathletes

When Do You Start Planning Your Race Nutrition for a Triathlon Event

Physiological Differences Between Male and Female Triathletes

Transforming Body and Mind: Chris Kenon’s journey into Triathlon

Physiological Differences Between Male and Female Triathletes

What's the Difference Between a Nutritionist, Dietitian and Sports Dietitian?

Physiological Differences Between Male and Female Triathletes

Improve Your Performance by Improving Training Availability with Dane Baker

Physiological Differences Between Male and Female Triathletes

Why you Suck at Carb-Loading

Physiological Differences Between Male and Female Triathletes

Sink or Swim: Game-Changing Tips to Unlock Your Swimming Potential

Triathlete Christmas Gift Guide

How to Lose Weight & Maintain Energy for Ironman Training

Physiological Differences Between Male and Female Triathletes

Strategies to fuel for triathlon when you have no appetite with Jody Walker

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Now if you’re feeling extra generous, I would be ever so grateful if you left me a review over on iTunes. Those reviews help other people find my podcast. I'm on a mission to get quality nutrition advice, without the woowoo or bro science into as many ears as possible! There is too much BS on the internet! 

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Physiological Differences Between Male and Female Triathletes

Everything You Need To Know About Sports Gels


Intermittent Fasting

Female Athlete Series: Part 4: Must read book! Up To Speed by Christine Yu


Food Nutrition Labels

Where Stamina Meets Science: Peek Inside the Triathlon Nutrition Academy


Maximise triathlon performance in less training time

Nutrition Game Changers: Success Secrets from TNA Alumn


Undertraining is better than overtraining

Five Triathlon Sports Nutrition Trends for 2024

How to save money on triathlon

Stop Wasting Money on Triathlon Nutrition! Hear How These Athletes Save More Than They Spend

How to become a supercharged Triathlete

The Secret To Unlocking Your Supercharged Zone As A Triathlete

Triathlon Nutrition Academy Podcast

Three Nutrition Rules Every Triathlete Should Abide By

Dietitian Approved in 2023

Triathlon Triumphs: The year that was 2023

Nutrition Education

How Much I Invest in My Nutrition Education

Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport

Female Athlete Series: Part 3: Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport with Dane Baker

Triathlete Christmas Gift Guide

The Ultimate Triathlete Christmas Gift Guide

Would you like to be a guest on the podcast?

Get in touch with us here

Work and triathlon

Juggling Shift Work and Triathlon with Age-Group athlete Jules Whitton

Continuous Glucose Monitoring for Triathletes

Continuous Glucose Monitoring for Triathletes with Greg Cox

3 day nutrition reset for triathletes

Get Out of a Nutrition Funk with a 3 Day Reset

Open Water Swimming Nutrition

Open Water Swimming Nutrition with Greg Shaw

Retirement to Triathlon

Retirement to Ironman in 18 months with Age-Group Triathlete Kelly Estes

Caffeine for triathlon performance and sleep

Caffeine and Sleep - New Research Update!

Coaching Female Athletes

Female Athlete Series: Part 2: Coaching Female Athletes with Liz Blatchford

Triathlon Training

Data Driven Triathlon Training or Train By Feel? With Gerard Donnelly

Bike Fitting

Five No Cost Tips to Help You Ride Faster and Feel More Comfortable on Your Bike with Bike Fit Specialist Michael Baker

All about organic foods

Is Organic Food Better For You? With Dr Hayley Dickinson

Best triathlon meal plan

The Best Triathlon Meal Plan

Recipes for Triathlon

Recipe Guidelines for Triathletes: Food to Fuel Training

Love for the podcast...

Triathlon Nutrition Academy Podcast

I look forward to listening to this Podcast!

I so love this podcast! I’m Learning very valuable lessons and techniques from Taryn! One of my favorite things about her is her No nonsense way of putting things. She says it as it is and with kindness. But she does put it as is! I feel like she really does want to make a nutritional difference...

momlatte, US

Triathlon Nutrition Academy Podcast

The best triathlon nutrition advice around, for free!!!

The more I learn from Taryn the more I wonder how the hell I’ve finished the races I have, but I also realise how much I can gain in racing from improving my nutrition far more effectively and efficiently than more hours in the pool, wind trainer or treadmill. Forget grazing from the non-peer reviewed and non-evidence based advice floating around just get it all from Taryn and her free podcast or paid Triathlon Nutrition Academy. Unless you’re in my M40-44 category, then scroll on and ask your Facebook mates.

Jaso the Athlete, Australia

Triathlon Nutrition Academy Podcast

No nonsense advice & awesome interviews

I was happy to find Taryn’s podcast after hearing her share on a TriDot podcast. I have since binged all of her episodes and joined her TNA community online. I find her no nonsense approach to nutrition super helpful. I also think her experience as an age-group athlete and dietitian for the Australian elite team gives her unique insight that many dietitians don’t have. Get plugged in with Taryn and the Dietitian Approved Crew - you won’t regret it!

Ebyrge, US

Physiological Differences Between Male and Female Triathletes

Female Athlete Series: Part 1: Physiological Differences Between Male and Female Triathletes

Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent Fasting & Endurance Exercise. Should you do it?

Food Nutrition Labels

Unravelling the Truth About Food Labels and The Nutrient Quality of Our Food with Dr Hayley Dickinson

Maximise triathlon performance in less training time

How to Maximise Triathlon Performance in Less Training Time

Undertraining is better than overtraining

Under Training is Better Than Overtraining with Michellie Jones

Triathlon Nutrition Guide

The No-BS Guide to Triathlon Nutrition

Save money on triathlon nutrition

How Chris and Kelly are Saving More Than $550 on Supplements Each Month!

Triathlon Nutrition Academy Podcast

I Can’t Believe We Made it! 🎉 Giveaway Winner Announced

Secrets to a successful Ironman 70.3 triathlon race

Erin's Secrets to an 11 minute Personal Best at Eagleman 70.3

Find Balance Post Triathlon Race

How to Find Balance Post-Race So You Don't Blow Out and Gain 10kg / 20lb

Triathlon Nutrition Hacks

6 Simple Nutrition Hacks to Save You at Least 2 Hours a Week

Triathlon Nutrition Dietitian

Why You’re a Tired Triathlete All the Time and How to Find More Energy

More podcast listener reviews...

Triathlon Nutrition Academy Podcast

Fun and Educational

This podcast is great for endurance minded folks looking to fuel their bodies better. I look forward to learning more through the academy program, but this is a great starting point!

Jcwaller, US

Triathlon Nutrition Academy Podcast

Excellent Podcast

Great easy content to take in. I’m not a triathlete but a beginner ultra runner. Really interesting advice and love to listen to this podcast. Good one Taryn


Triathlon Nutrition Academy Podcast

Great practical advice!

Taryn is an experienced triathlete and provides great practical advice on nutrition. She also debunks a lot of the claims you here by digging into the science.

Aloha Dan, US

How to Shave Minutes Off Your Triathlon Transition Times

How To Shave Minutes Off Your Triathlon Transition Times

Liz Blatchford 120g Carbohydrate Per Hour on the Bike in Ironman Triathlon

How Liz Blatchford Managed 120g of Carbohydrate Per hour on the Bike in Ironman

Blood Test Guide For Triathletes

Blood Tests for Triathletes - What, When & How Often Should You Get Checked for Optimal Performance

Ultraman Australia Lessons

Lessons from Ultraman Australia with Denise Wilson

Life of an Elite Australian Triathlete with Emma Jeffcoat

Life of an Elite Australian Triathlete with Emma Jeffcoat

The Secrets to a Successful Short-Course Triathlon Race Season

The Secrets to a Successful Short-Course Race Season with Triathlete Leigh Yong

Athlete Case Study: From Cyclist to Triathlete

Athlete Case Study: From Cyclist to Triathlete with Steve Duquette

Chocolate for Endurance Sports Performance

Can Chocolate Improve Endurance Sports Performance

New Zealand Coast to Coast Race Report

NZ Coast to Coast Race Report with Kirsty Howatson

Meal Planning and Organisation for Triathletes

Meal Planning and Organisation for the Time Poor Triathlete

Grocery Guide For Triathletes

The Ultimate Grocery Guide For Triathletes

Bicarbonate for Triathlon Performance

New Supplement Alert! Is Bicarb Worth Investing in?

More podcast listener reviews...

Triathlon Nutrition Academy Podcast

Thank you!

So good to finally have some direction with my nutrition for triathlon.

JFearn, Australia

Triathlon Nutrition Academy Podcast

Real and Interesting

I love Taryn’s interesting content presented with real examples and clear messaging, and I always look forward to the new episode release. Thanks Taryn

sal_p_2408, Australia

Triathlon Nutrition Academy Podcast

Great podcast for any triathlete!

I really enjoy listening to the Triathlon Nutrition Academy podcast. It’s straight to the point, full of useful nutrition advice, and Taryn interviews some great guests who impart a load of other training knowledge.

jtuggster, Australia

Do you need to take a multivitamin as a triathlete?

Do You Need to Take a Multivitamin?

How to Properly Taper for a Triathlon Race

How to Properly Taper for a Race with Pro Triathlete and Coach Elizabeth James

Become a more efficient swimmer in triathlon

How to Become a Faster, More Efficient Swimmer with Brenton Ford

Why dairy is good for triathletes

Are You Avoiding Dairy For The Wrong Reasons?

The Low Carb, High Fat Diet: Is it beneficial for triathlon endurance performance?

The Low Carb, High Fat Diet: Is it beneficial for endurance performance? With Professor Louise Burke

Triathlon Nutrition Trends For 2023

Sports Nutrition Trends For 2023

Become a supercharged triathlete

The Secret To Unlocking Your Supercharged Zone As A Triathlete

What can you achieve when you focus on your triathlon nutrition

What Can You Achieve When You Focus on Your Triathlon Nutrition for 12 months?

Triathlon Diets Not To DO This New Year

Triathlon Diets NOT To Do This New Year and What You Should Be Doing Instead

Why You're Not Losing Weight As A Triathlete

Why You're Not Losing Weight

Eating before a triathlon training session

Pre-Training Nutrition: Should You Eat Before Exercise?

How to avoid triathlon nutrition mistakes

5 Nutrition Mistakes Triathletes Make (and how to avoid them)

More podcast listener reviews...

Triathlon Nutrition Academy Podcast

Essential tri listening

There’s four disciplines in triathlon, with the fourth being nutrition. Great listening and advice.

thw dawg, Australia

Triathlon Nutrition Academy Podcast


I have been an avid listener of the podcast for quite some time now, and I must say that the content provided is consistently outstanding. Her ability to break down complex nutritional concepts into practical advice that athletes like myself can implement is truly commendable.

salnabhani22, US

Triathlon Nutrition Academy Podcast

Great resource!

I've always had great self motivation to exercise. Nutrition has always been my downfall. Listening to this podcast has really helped with my understanding of how I can help fuel my body for intense workouts and race at my best. Quick and easy to listen to and most importantly, enjoyable.

Jess Thurtell, Australia

Triathlon Nutrition Academy and Dietitian Approved 2022

2022 - What a Year!

Tips to Manage the Festive Season As A Triathlete

Your Festive Season Survival Guide - Healthy Tips to Manage the Silly Season

Food Apps For Triathletes To Help Save Money

Food Apps We Love to Save you Money

Key Training Sessions To Maximise Triathlon Performance

3 Key Training Sessions Every Triathlete Needs To Maximise Performance with Coach John Mayfield

How to avoid afternoon slump as a triathlete

Are You Struggling With 3:30itis? - Why You’re Tired In The Afternoon and How To Avoid It

Race Nutrition Planning For A Triathlon Event

When Do You Start Planning Your Race Nutrition For A Triathlon Event?

Nutrition Strategies to Manage Return to Triathlon Training

5 Key Nutrition Strategies to Manage Your Return to Triathlon Training

Iromman Sunny Coast 70.3 Triathlon Race Nutrition Plan

Part 2: Two Different Race Nutrition Plans for Sunny Coast 70.3 With Michael Welsh

Triathlon Race Nutrition Plan for Ironman 70.3 Sunshine Coast

Part 1: Two Different Race Nutrition Plans for Sunny Coast 70.3 With Jason Currie

Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA) not necessary for triathlon training

What happened when I did a Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA) Scan Before and After Training

Nuts are good for triathletes

New Research: Nuts Contain Up To 26% Less Calories Than We Thought They Did

Ultra355 Race Nutrition Plan

Ultra355 Australia Race Report with Triathlon Nutrition Academy Athlete Jody Walker

More podcast listener reviews....

Triathlon Nutrition Academy Podcast

Best no BS approach!

Absolutely love listening to Taryn’s no BS approach to fuelling our bodies for day to day living and adding the crazy sport of triathlon. So many great tips to get us to the magic feeling of the red carpet feeling our absolute best 💕

Cheery 😁, Australia

Triathlon Nutrition Academy Podcast

On point nutrition for triathletes

The Triathlon Nutrition Academy is perfect to listen to when on the trainer or recovery session. Great tips and tricks to help keep you motivated during training.

Nic Hipkin, Australia

Triathlon Nutrition Academy Podcast

Love this podcast!

Love this podcast! Easy and accurate information to inform triathletes about the 4th leg of triathlon! Taryn is passionate, educated and shares information in an way that is easy to understand and implement into our busy triathlete lives!! ❤️

04macca04, Australia

Why You Don't Need To Count Calories As A Triathlete

Why You Don't Need To Count Calories As A Triathlete

Biggest Triathlon Nutrition Mistake

The BIGGEST Nutrition Mistake Triathletes Are Making (and how to avoid it)

How Triathlon Nutrition changed my life

How Triathlon Changed My Life with Sue Swindon

Long Term Health & Triathlon Performance

Why Focusing On Long-Term Health Is So Important For Performance As A Triathlete

Triathlon Training Nutrition 101

Triathlon Training Nutrition 101

3 Triathlon Nutrition Habits every Triathlete should be doing daily

3 Nutrition Habits Every Triathlete Should Be Doing Daily

Aim for 120g of carbs when doing triathlon

Why Aiming For 120g of Carbs Per Hour Is A Mistake

Triathlon Nutrition Academy podcast 1st birthday

Celebrating 1 year of the TNA podcast!

Triathlon Nutrition - The Best Protein Powder For Triathletes

What's The Best Protein Powder For Triathletes?

How to lose weight while doing triathlon

How To Lose Weight The Easy Way with TNA Athlete Renee Ingram

Keeping relationship alive while doing Ironman triathlon training

How To keep Your Relationship Alive Through Ironman Training Build with Isiah McKimmie

Eating enough for triathlon training

Signs You Might Not Be Eating Enough To Support Triathlon Training

More podcast listener reviews...

Triathlon Nutrition Academy Podcast

Very informative, highly recommended

Very good podcast. I was looking for something triathlon specific like this for a while. The right amount of information packed into a optimal podcast duration. Some more data and stats or case studies would be the cherry on the cake. Looking forward for more episodes. Thanks

Reine M., Austria

Triathlon Nutrition Academy Podcast

IT numpty

G'day Taryn,
Really enjoyed the "long run" podcast. Very timely as I have a 25Ks outing tomorrow so I'll be putting into practice (or trying to) some of the strategies you outlined. Slowly working my way through the other podcasts (Now that I've got the IT sorted lol). Have my prerun fueling sorted (love uncle Toby's) & my post run scrambled eggs & the obligatory long black all planned. Now to execute!

RossTri, Australia

Triathlon Nutrition Academy Podcast

Simply great nutritional advice

Fantastic podcasts with subject matter that is on point and relevant to everyone - not just triathletes. Taryn’s approach is direct and simple - much like her one on one consulting. With so much to learn, I’m sure I will be listening intently to each new episode as they are released! Thanks for cutting through the BS and giving direction to us who previously had no idea about nutrition and how it affects our performance and recovery.

Kuhny78, Australia

What Is A Hydrogel? Does It Improve Endurance Performance with Andy King

What Is A Hydrogel? Does It Improve Endurance Performance with Andy King

Food ideas for on the bike triathlon

Real Food Ideas For on The Bike

How to organise and prepare food if you are doing triathlon

Tips For Food Prep and Organisation For The Time-Poor Athlete

Improve Immunity as a triathlete by proper triathlon nutrition in the winter

Eating For Immunity: Ideas To Help You Stay Well This Winter

Caffeine for triathlon endurance performance

Is caffeine beneficial for Endurance Performance?

Importance of doing strength training as a triathlete with Huw Darnell

Why Every Triathlete Should Be Doing Strength Training with Exercise Physiologist Huw Darnell

Mentally prepare for a triathlon race with Trang Nguyen

How To Mentally Prepare For A Race with Mindset Coach Trang Nguyen

Every triathlete needs Calcium in their triathlon nutrition

A Key Nutrient Endurance Athletes Need Every day: Calcium

Maximise triathlon performance in the heat with Avish Sharma

How To Maximise Your Triathlon Performance In The Heat with Physiologist Avish Sharma

3 Triathlon Nutrition rules every triathlete should follow

3 Nutrition Rules Every Triathlete Should Abide By

Triathlon Nutrition Academy

Doors To The Triathlon Nutrition Academy Are Open Until SUNDAY!

How Triathletes all over the world improve their triathlon nutrition

How Triathletes All Over The World Are Improving Their Nutrition

Just Because You Eat Really Healthy, Doesn't Mean You're Fuelling Training

Just Because You Eat Really Healthy, Doesn't Mean You're Fuelling Training

How to avoid stress and overwhelm when doing a triathlon racetriathlon

How To Avoid The Stress And Overwhelm When It Comes To Triathlon Racing

Iron & Triathlon Endurance Performance

Iron & Endurance Performance with Rebecca Hall

If you're a triathlete, stop wasting money on BIA Scans

Stop Wasting Your Money On Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA) scans

Why you're not losing weight as a triathlete

Why You're Not Losing Weight

Why triathletes should do Skin Folds testing for better triathlon performance

Skin Folds - What Are They? Why You Should Be Doing Them?

If you are a triathlete, you need to stop weighing

Why You Need To Stop Weighing Yourself with Gary Slater

Triathlon Nutrition - Why You Suck at Carb-Loading

Why You Suck At Carb-Loading

Triathlon Nutrition to help you through perimenopause & menopause

Nutrition To Help You Through Perimenopause & Menopause - Part 2 with Angie Clark

Triathlon Nutrition to help you through Perimenopause & Menopause

Nutrition To Help You Through Perimenopause & Menopause - Part 1 with Angie Clark

Triathlon Nutrition Academy behind the scenes

Behind The Scenes of The Triathlon Nutrition Academy with Nic Hipkin

Triathlon Nutrition Academy

Doors To The Triathlon Nutrition Academy Are Open Until Monday!

How to know if a sports dietitian is right for you

How to Know if a Sports Dietitian is Right for You?

How to become a successful triathlete

The Key Ingredients You Need To Become a Successful Triathlete

Triathlon Nutrition - Ditch Detox This Year

Why You Need To Ditch The Detox this Year

Triathlon Nutrition - Surviving the Festive Season

5 Tips For Surviving The Festive Season

Triathlon Nutrition Academy - 2021

The Shit Show That Was 2021

Women in Triathlon

The Rise of the Female Triathlete with Stef Hanson

From Beginner to Ironman Triathlon Finisher

Athlete Spotlight: From Beginner To 2x Ironman Finisher with Bec Baird

Triathlon Nutrition Tips for exercising in the heat

7 Nutrition Tips For Exercising In The Heat

Should a triathlete do Sweat Testing when doing triathlon?

What is Sweat Testing And Should You Do One?

Is salt or sodium important to take in triathlon nutrition

Do You Need Salt Tablets? With Alan McCubbin

Sports Gels for Triathlon Race Nutrition Plan

Everything You Need To Know About Sports Gels

Lose weight and maintain energy for Ironman Triathlon Training

How To Lose Weight & Maintain Energy For Ironman Training

Eating on Your Feet - Fuelling Long Runs

Eating on Your Feet - Fuelling Long Runs

Can a triathlete have a beer after a hard triathlon training session?

Alcohol and Exercise Performance: With Dr Ben Desbrow

Triathlon Nutrition - Tips for fuelling on the bike as a triathlete

5 Tips for Fuelling on the Bike

Triathlon Nutrition for Female Athletes

Female Athlete Nutrition: With Angelique Clark

Insights about the TOKYO Triathlon

TOKYO Triathlon Recap: With Coach Dan Atkins

Triathlon Nutrition - Tips to manage a triathlete's gut

7 Tips to Manage Runners Gut

The Ultimate Triathlon Race Day Pack List

The Ultimate Triathlon Race Day Pack List

Triathlon Nutrition - Stop ditching recovery nutrition

Stop Ditching Your Recovery Nutrition

As a triathlete, should you eat before a triathlon training session?

Pre-Training Nutrition: Should You Eat Before Exercise?

Triathlon Nutrition Mistakes Triathletes Make

5 Nutrition Mistakes Triathletes Make (and how to avoid them)

Nutritionist versus a Sports Dietitian for Triathlon

What's the Difference Between a Nutritionist, Dietitian and Sports Dietitian?

Triathlon Nutrition Academy Podcast

Welcome to the Triathlon Nutrition Academy Podcast!

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