Good morning and welcome to coffee and questions! I am live on Facebook over here, in case you see me looking from different places and Instagram over here. So hopefully you can hear me. I've got my headphones in. Yep! Alright, cool. So this morning, I wanted to introduce to you something I've cooked up. Good morning Bec Baird and Tesla and Nick. Yeah, something I've cooked up which I'm pretty excited about. And you'll hear more about it over the coming ...
Coffee & Questions ☕️
I went on a little tangent today for coffee & questions…which is not usual for me.
But I wanted to give you permission to invest in yourself.
Too often I see clients last, after they’ve tried every diet and yo-yo’d for years, or broken themselves with chronic fatigue or injury.
Nutrition becomes a fix rather than prevention.
I’d encourage you to prioritise your health and control the controllables. After all, your body is your temple and you only have one! Treat it with the respect it deserves. Particularly in such crazy times! What you put in your mouth is something only you have control over!
Because at the end of the day, I want you to feel great! Energised and well. Something you might not have felt for a while if you haven’t got your nutrition dialled in.
Let me know if any of this resonates with you or if this was the butt kick you needed to get your nutrition sorted. For life! 💬🤍
Coffee & Questions ☕️ Today we talked all about gels!
I answered your questions:
There were so many good questions! Watch the replay to see the discussion or read the transcript below 👇🏼
Not all gels are created equal! Some are better than others but at the end of the day, it comes down to personal preference and what fits in as part of your overall nutrition plan.
Today on Coffee & Questions ☕️ I wanted to give you some simple, practical strategies to help you survive life in lockdown +/- kids and a few ideas to support your immune system.
We talked about:
Watch the replay for more info or read the transcript below...
Good morning everyone and we...
How are you doing? No really?
Can you think of one positive thing that’s happened in your life as a result of Covid-19?
For me, it’s meant my husband now works from home pretty much full time. This means that he’s so much more involved in the day-to-day running of our household and our family which has been awesome.
Let me know in the comments below what positive thing has happened in your life?
Today I also helped Chris with meeting his protein, iron and B12 needs after stomach surgery.
And also Nella with a simple strategy to help maintain her weight with a huge reduction in training load post-injury.
Watch the replay to join the conversation. See you same time, same place next week! ☕️
If you need help with planning meals for the week, shopping and cooking - check out my Weekly Menu Planning Service.
I've done all of the hard work for you so you don't have to stress about it!
Coffee & Questions ☕️
Today we had some great questions that I answered live for you:
🌟 Tiredness and what could be the answer?
🌟 A calorie deficit that’s not causing weight loss
🌟 Foods to boost recovery from being sick with a cold (thanks daycare)
🌟 Anti-inflammatory foods for sore joints from an old retired athletes perspective (her words! 🙈)
🌟 Issues to solve cramping in the legs during 4-6hour long rides
Catch the replay for the goods or read the transcript below...
If you want to get your very own #dietitianapprovedcrew cycling kit as featured today, email me at [email protected] with your sizing and I’ll hook you up! 🚴🏼♀️🚴🏼🚴🏼♂️💨
Alright! Good morning and welcome to Coffee and Questions! I've got my cycling kit on this morning because I am about to or trying to do another order for Cycling kit. If you haven't got a cycli...
My Top Tips for how to Lose weight and still maintain energy levels through ironman training - without affecting performance
Good morning everyone! Welcome to Coffee and Question! So I had a couple of weeks break there because my voice failed me, it’s still feeling pretty scratchy. So I'll see how it goes today, see if it holds up for me. But I'm sorry about the delay, a bit late – the internet is not working this morning and a bit of carnage going on in our house as well.
I’m definitely a bit late but hopefully that’s given people enou...
Today on coffee & questions I answered Shane & Bec's questions on alcohol and its place in the week when it comes to exercise and performance.
Can I have a drink after my race? 🍻
Is there a way to be sensible with alcohol intake? 🍸
What effects does alcohol have on exercise performance? 🚴🏻
I'm not here to say don't ever drink but from the perspective of a dietitian... Alcohol is a toxin.
We don't store it anywhere - it gets processed in the liver and burnt off in preference to anything else as we try and get rid of it out of the body
It's used as a social lubricant and is a socially acceptable toxin
My advice will differ depending on who you are and what your overall goals are. Find a balance between drinking and exercise performance depending on who you are and what your goals are
Alcohol equals energy - calories or kilojoules
Alcohol = 29kJ/gram
It also depends on what calories you're drinking it with - e.g. soda water or full-fat coke
And what food choices you make...
Today on Coffee & Questions I answered a great question - How do you Carbohydrate Load?
Watch the replay for all of the gold nuggets, or read the quick summary below.
I've been up to my eyeballs in Carb Loading plans recently with everyone doing Cairns 70.3 or Ironman this weekend. A common theme is that nobody has known how to do it properly
Where you load or store more carbohydrate in our muscles - muscle glycogen
Just like you fill up your car with petrol, you can fill up your fuel tank (glycogen)
This process takes time - 24-48hours
So eating a pasta meal the night before is not going to be particularly useful. 1. it's not enough carbohydrate and 2. the timing is a little late if you haven't been ...
Today on Coffee & Questions I answered your question - Is caffeine good for endurance performance?
Where can you find it?
Is there evidence for the use of caffeine?
What are the effects of caffeine?
How much do you need to take? More is not better
Below is a brief summary but please watch the replay to get all of the gold nuggets on caffeine use!
Caffeine is a widely used, socially acceptable stimulant.
Find it in tea, coffee, cola, energy drinks, chocolate and supplemented sports foods like gels and bloks/chews.
Here are some examples:
There is a solid body of evidence that supports caffeine use to enhance endurance exercise performance, with studies dating back to the 1970s.
It was removed from the WADA doping list back in 2004
In the AIS supplement framework, it is a group A supplement with evidence-based protocols
Major benefits achieved t...
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