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Sunshine Coast 70.3 race report

Sep 13, 2024

The Sunshine Coast 70.3 race has always been an event to look forward to, but this year, it took on a special meaning as it became the first TNA event. We had people fly in from all over the world and they’re sitting down with me today for a post-race recap.

For this discussion I’m joined by Kelly (who made the journey from Idaho Falls, USA),  Steve (who travelled from a tiny town near Ontario, Canada),  Lyn (from Adelaide), and Mokka (from New South Wales). It was fantastic to finally meet in person those we had only seen virtually for years. Steve won the award for the furthest distance travelled, covering a whopping 14,912 kilometres!

It’s no secret that proper race preparation often involves spending a lot of time alone, maintaining optimal nutrition, and resting. However, our excitement to be together meant we were constantly socialising. While it wasn’t ideal for race prep, it was too enjoyable to resist. Stephen, for instance, had to remind himself to step away from the coffee shops and retreat to the cool of his hotel room occasionally.

Despite the not-so-ideal prep, we all made it to race day excited and raring to go. I was particularly inspired by how everyone embraced the challenges, especially the ocean swim, which was far rougher than expected.  Stephen found himself drifting off course due to the blinding sun, while Kelly struggled with motion sickness. But we all pushed through, with some friendly ribbing and camaraderie aiding our perseverance.

Everyone did fantastically in the end! Lisa achieved a massive 19-minute Personal Best (PB), Paul clocked an astonishing 15-minute PB, and his final time was 4:44:44 – an impressive feat! Stephen shaved over an hour from his previous best to finish in 5:57, a monumental achievement.

Our relay team also smashed it! Leanne took the swim leg, I took the bike, and Chris handled the run. Despite her tough pre-race build-up, Leanne clocked in at an impressive 2:55 for the bike, including a minor penalty for drafting. Chris nailed the run course in just about 2 hours, earning our team an unexpected trip to the podium!

Looking back, the race was an unforgettable experience filled with high spirits and personal triumphs.  Lyn was happy to share that her nutrition and hydration strategies paid off and she avoided the leg cramping that plagued previous races.  Speaking of hydration, we made significant strides with both Kelly, who normally struggles with frequent bathroom stops, and Stephen, who usually battles dehydration.

Next year’s Sunshine Coast 70.3 is set for September 14th, 2025, and we’re committed to returning with an even bigger team. If you’d like to join us, sign up to the TNA program, join our team, and experience the magic yourself. For now, keep training hard, stay healthy, and remember, nutrition is the key to unlocking your best race yet!



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