Name: John Alexander
Current home location (where you live): Tingalpa (Bayside Brisbane)
Profession/Educational background: Executive Chef
Sport of Choice: Cycling with a side of Triathlon
How many years have you been training and competing in your sport? I have been cycling for a bit over 2 years now
What got you into it in the first place? When I started riding I was 186.4kg. Cycling was the next step for me to get fit and drop weight. It was a laugh as I was on a mountain bike to start off with and a 15km ride was an EPIC morning out. Now I regularly clock 200km weeks.
What’s your favourite training session? Group rides with the CCC crew. We go alright for a group with an average age of 43 (I’m not that old), belting out a 60-80km ride at an average above 31km/hr.
Main Competition/Event/s for 2018: Currently training for the Noosa Classic 160km ride (with 2.1km elevation) as I have been asked by Bicycle Queensland and the coordinators of the Noosa Classic to be an Ambassador for the Ride. This is sensational for me as 3 years ago I would not have even bothered with it… now it’s a challenge.
Upcoming Competition: I am booking in for 4 of the Gatorade Sprint Triathlons, in the Clydesdale Category. First one is in September at Redlands
Looking ahead to 2019 and beyond, what are your bigger goals for your sporting career: I will be getting sorted for my first ever Olympic distance triathlon (running is not my favourite thing) but will give it a go. I’m also looking at the Kraken in Yeppoon 2019.
What’s your biggest achievement in your sport so far: I have completed 4 x Sprint Triathlons and in the last one I competed in I got a Bronze Medal in the Clydesdale division!!! Something I never thought I would be able to achieve as I‘ve never been in a club and I have just had advice from friends in what to do and how to go faster. I have the bike down no worries but transition … oh dear.
Do you have a saying or motto you live your life by?
Saying: Can’t, Won’t, Don’t are three words that will not be used when training!!!
Motto: “If your legs are hurting tell them this is normal” (James – Head Captain of the CCC) It sounds better when yelled in a Yorkie accent.
What are one or two things you do in your day to day training life that you feel are keys to your success? Always give it 100% when training. It helps clear my head from my work and it feels cleansing when you have put in a great session. It makes it easier to then head off to work for a 12hr day on your feet or when stuck in meetings for a few hours of it.
Three things you can’t live without?
- My Daughter Mikayla – She’s also my training partner for swimming and running as she has never gotten a handle on the bike.
- My Bike
- My Sunglasses
Favourite food: Steak…. Wagyu Steak
Favourite post-training meal or snack? Weet-Bix, banana, local honey, milk and a bit of yoghurt
What’s the number 1 (or 2) thing you’ve learnt about sports nutrition for performance in your sport?
- Eat less steak and more vegetables, fruits, grains etc …. LOL (You knew that was coming)
- The main thing that I have learnt is that healthy foods can also have flavour. You can eat better foods/fuel to keep your energy up longer so you don’t get just a sugar hit and then crash.
What awesome progress you’ve made John! We can’t wait to see you smash the Noosa classic.
If you need help with your nutrition, here's how you can work with me 1 on 1.

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Tags: Brisbane Dietitian, Brisbane Sports Dietitian, chef, chef life, cycling with mates, dietitian, Dietitian Approved, Dietitian Approved Crew, Dietitian Brisbane, fatcheftofitchef, Sports Dietitian Australia, Sports Dietitian Brisbane