Watch out for this legend who is toeing the start line at her first-ever 70.3 at Geelong this weekend. Together with training buddy and cousin Phoebe. We’ve been privileged to be a part of their triathlon journeys so asked them to share who they are and what they do.
These two were complete beginners 3 years ago. Now, look at them go as they climb the triathlon ranks. Ironman next year ladies? 😉
Current home location: Melbourne, Australia
Profession background:
Sport of Choice:
How many years have you been training and competing in your sport?
3 years
What got you into it in the first place?
I had just finished school and was looking for a hobby. My cousin, Phoebe sent me a link to a triathlon beginner course and asked me if I wanted to do it. I already owned a bike so I thought “Why not?”
What’s your favourite training session?
Saturday long rides
Main event for 2019?
Geelong 70.3 Woooo!
Looking ahead to 2020 and beyond, what are your bigger goals for your sporting career?
I am hoping to qualify for the Olympic Distance World Champs team that’s heading to Switzerland in August 🙂
What’s your biggest achievement in your sport so far?
The Melbourne Half Marathon was a big achievement for me as I never thought I could run 21.1 km
Do you have a saying or motto you live your life by?
“Every training session is an achievement!”
What are one or two things you do in your day to day training life that you feel are keys to your success?
– Give every session a go
– Nap
Three things you can’t live without?
- Food
- Sleep
- Movies
Favourite food? Ice cream
Favourite post-training meal or snack? Chocolate thick shake
What’s the number 1 (or 2) thing you’ve learnt about sports nutrition for performance in Triathlon?
- It is a huge factor in performance
- It makes you go faster for longer
- Carb loading day is the dream

If you need help with your nutrition, here's how you can work with me 1 on 1.

If you're looking for a more cost-effective option, here's how you can get started NOW with one of my online courses

Tags: Brisbane Dietitian, Brisbane Sports Dietitian, Dietitian Approved, Dietitian Approved Crew, Dietitian Brisbane, Geelong 70.3, half ironman, road to ironman, Sports Dietitian Australia, Sports Dietitian Brisbane, trichicks