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Our Favourite Sports Nutrition Products

Oct 04, 2024

When it comes to sports nutrition products, there are a million products and there's always something new promising to boost performance, enhance recovery, or just make training that little bit easier. With the sheer volume of options, it's easy to feel overwhelmed. That’s why I’m sitting down with some Triathlon Nutrition Academy members, athletes just like you, and asking them about their favourite products.

To provide these insights, we are joined by Christine from Fort Myers, Florida, Tony Hampton from Fort Wayne, Indiana, and Steve Duquette from Ontario, Canada. Each has their preferences in sports nutrition, offering diverse perspectives to guide your choices.


Christine's Top Picks

Christine highlighted AMACX gels as her recent favourite for their liquid consistency and high sodium content, ideal for athletes who sweat heavily. She also praises Scratch Labs for hydration, which has proven gentle on her stomach during intense sessions and has a great range of flavours. Finally, Christine shares that she struggles with texture, and dislikes thick gels. For anyone with similar issues, she recommends Precision Fuel and Hydration Flow gels.


Steve's Key Insights

Steve shared how he transitioned from Hammer Gels, which he found too thick and difficult to digest, to Precision Fuel and Hydration gels, which are much gentler on his gut. He also appreciates Scratch Labs for its natural ingredients and flavour, particularly the lemon-lime variant. Steve encourages anyone experiencing discomfort with their current nutrition products, to not accept that and experiment to find something that suits you better. Every athlete’s digestion and tolerance vary, so it’s important to find what works for you personally.


Tony's Strategic Choices

Things are more complicated for Tony who is a diabetic and has an allergy to Stevia. He appreciates Precision Fuel and Hydration for their straightforward and simple ingredients. Additionally, he trains with Morton products, which are commonly available at Ironman races, so that his body is used to them if he needs them.


Actionable Tips

  1. Know Your Preferences: Be it taste, consistency, or ingredients, it’s essential to enjoy your nutrition products. Why spend money on something you dislike when you can find effective, enjoyable options?
  2. Understand Nutritional Content: Educate yourself on what’s inside each product, be it carbohydrates, sodium, or other ingredients, and match them with your event’s demands and your personal health goals.
  3. Test in Race-Like Conditions: Validate your nutrition plan during high-intensity sessions to ensure reliable performance on race day. Consider factors like texture, packaging, and ease of consumption.
  4. Sample Before Commit: Many companies offer variety packs allowing you to try different products without committing to a full-sized container. This can be a cost-effective way to discover new favourites.

Remember, each athlete's nutritional needs are unique, shaped by their physical demands, preferences, and goals. There is no universal "best" product, but by staying informed and open to experimentation, you can discover what truly works for you!


Products mentioned:


Scratch Hydration:

Gu Liquid Energy:

Precision Fuel and Hydration Flow Gel:

Precision Fuel and Hydration Mix:

Precision Fuel and Hydration Chews:






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